Mayo clinic posted some resources about dealing with anxiety – and rather than be offended that someone is dismissive of my claim, instead, I felt heard, and hopeful. But, I gotta admit to myself that weed is an amplifier sometimes.

“So when you hear “it’s an anxiety disorder,” don’t despair or think no one is taking you seriously. Rejoice in the fact there is no life-threatening medical problem causing your symptoms, and ask your health care provider about the best way for you to gain control over anxiety.” (Mayo Clinic website)

My healthcare provider (shrink) and I agree that my weed habit is a healthy one of anxiety control. Long term, she doesn’t think I’ll want to smoke weed forever, but I doubt that.

When I think back on how I grew up, and when I started smoking weed – controlling anxiety was not on the list of reasons I smoked. Escaping the constant criticism, the constant measurement and correcting nature of the social constructs – was. I just wanted to relax and feel good, quit feeling like I’d not measured up.

And now, as an adult who partakes daily, I must truthfully say it’s more for recreational purposes than for anxiety relief.

***Tomato, tomahto…***