One of the tenets of the teachings of Oaksterdam University is Advocacy. Advocacy for the cannabis plant itself, advocacy for the people who’ve been harmed by the prohibition of the cannabis plant.

Advocacy is defined as any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of others.

Webster’s Dictionary

I can get behind that, but first I gotta fully come out of the closet. My public advocacy, as a white woman with a real (non-cannabis-related) day job, could be pretty influential, so I’m told; we are the empirical evidence – “we” being responsible citizens who are cannabis users. (on the daily, for me!)

But thus far, my whole career has been spent at the service of Marketing and Product Development, so believe me when I tell you I know how to research what the tone, voice, messaging and values of a brand should be. How to align your marketing and communication messages, how to differentiate yourself, how to define and reach your target audience – all of these things are part and parcel to marketing, branding and creating a loyal following: A solid customer base. Marketing has an agenda, but so does Advocacy.

Advocacy, while it shares many fundamental qualities – having to craft your message and tailor it to the target audience, ultimately trying to persuade, convince and have your tenets and name easily recalled, is still very different from Marketing. It’s not trying to sell anything.

Isn’t it, though?

Marketing is defined as the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.

again, trusty ol’ Webster’s

Marketing and Advocacy are pretty similar, sure, so of course this is a matter of semantics. If I am advocating for someone to get out of jail for a crime that is no longer considered illegal, (check out the out the Last Prisoner Project, this is both encouraging and outrageous in the same moment) Who am I trying to convince? The general public? The District Attorney? The Parole Board?

I dunno. That requires research, (that’s my day job) and right now…sorry, but…

I just wanna get high.