Allowing Myself Every Indulgence

Weed has always been a panacea for me. It soothes a frenzied, worried, critical internalized voice and it works almost like magic. I’m currently in the midst (week 8) of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, a self- directed course, for the second time. It’s a twelve week study in unblocking The Creative Artist Within all […]

Anxiety Is All In Your Head

Mayo clinic posted some resources about dealing with anxiety – and rather than be offended that someone is dismissive of my claim, instead, I felt heard, and hopeful. But, I gotta admit to myself that weed is an amplifier sometimes. “So when you hear “it’s an anxiety disorder,” don’t despair or think no one is […]

Smoking In The Shower

Sometimes, there is nothing better than having it all, and just relishing in that delicious abundance. Smoking a bowl while in the shower is how I purposely bring this feeling on, and while it’s not an everyday thang…it is pretty fun. You have to position the giant raindrop style shower head (yea, the one that […]

Bad Advice, But I Took It

Reading advice columnists has always been amusing to me. When I was little, I’d turn directly to the Dear Abby section, near the classifieds and the funnies, and today (although online) I do seek out Dan Savage, and a few others. Slate’s advice columnist for the Care and Feeding piece was a huge disappointment to […]

How a Pre-Roll Helps Me Think it Through

At about 4:50am on Saturday morning I hear Wade’s collar tags clinking around on ceramic, as if he is licking his dog bowl. When I get up to check out what he is doing, he is hunkered down by the patio door. I take a closer look but can’t really tell. Has he gotten ahold […]

Addiction, a Dis-ease of Isolation…

I would not argue that I am addicted to pot. But what purpose that addiction serves, is the question. To me, and my shrink, it’s not about whether I’m addicted or not, it’s about why I’m using and what it does for me. My shrink and I talk a lot about the reasons I get […]

A First

In the summer between the sixth and seventh grade, I was a member of the United Methodist Church Youth Group in Fallbrook, California. (Which is The Avocado Capital of the World, FYI.) We used to take vanloads of youth to Disneyland like it was Wal*Mart, which is to say, frequently, and without much fanfare or […]

CBD at Bed Bath & Beyond!

If that’s not mainstream, I don’t know what is. Whether or not marijuana is legal in your state, medically or recreationally matters not, because CBD is the non-psychoactive component of this controversial plant. These days, that means that the nationwide Bed Bath & Beyond can capitalize on all the “all natural” attention getting virtues of […]

They Say You Can’t Overdose…

But I must say, I disagree. I had a weird experience with a 10:1 THC:CBD Tincture back in 2016. I admit I was not very schooled in dosages, nor was I really paying attention or holding back, if you know what I mean. I am not even sure the 10:1 is the exact ratio I […]

Exploring Trauma, Safely…

I subscribe to a newsletter from MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. I became aware of them about five years ago through some mutual friends, who were benefiting from this “inner-directed therapy” that is being studied – with federal funds, I might add! Using MDMA as a high speed conduit to unearth deep-seated fears, […]