I subscribe to a newsletter from MAPS, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. I became aware of them about five years ago through some mutual friends, who were benefiting from this “inner-directed therapy” that is being studied – with federal funds, I might add! Using MDMA as a high speed conduit to unearth deep-seated fears, recognize patterns and learn to cope with the new realities of our adulthoods, these folks were spreading the good word about self-healing rituals and exploring past traumas, safely, with a goal toward healing. The work, as they described it to me – was fun and light-hearted – yes of course, very sacred, and there were no side effects. I was, of course, curious.

This week their work hit the mainstream, with Gwyneth Paltrow and her Goop network taking interest. The printed interview is pretty predictable, but the part that got my attention was Gwyneth’s donation to the cause. Of course, celebrities and rock n roll stars and millionaire entrepreneurs have access to whatever doctors and drugs they need at any time. Why does she feel compelled to give to this cause?

Thinking back on my experiences with MDMA, which are few and far between, the thing that sticks with me is my body’s reaction to every bit of energy in and around the setting, the environment, the people I’m with. In ways I can’t explain, there have been helpful nudges from people I love and feel safe with during this one MDMA experience in particular, nudges that have stayed with me in my deepest belief system and that come up in sober or stressful times, just when I need that moment the most.

The guy running the operation at MAPS is Rick Doblin, and his credentials are impressive. His life’s work is to study and help create the correct legal, medical, and wellness contexts that foster using psychedelics for healing. Some of his peers are closely involved in the Marijuana Policy Project, if you know the soap company Dr. Bronners, their CEO is on the board at MAPS alongside Rick Doblin.

When pressed to articulate what their ultimate goal with the MAPS study is, Doblin explains in the GOOP interview, “We’re more interested in mass mental health than in money. What I’m worried about, if you look at what pharma does in general—it’s not very focused on what’s best for the patient. It’s about how they make the most money. We want to demonstrate a new way to market drugs where we’re maximizing public benefit, not profit. The world is really in need of this kind of healing.”

“The world is really in need of this kind of healing.”

Rick Doblin, MDMA Inner-Directed Therapy dude at MAPS

And what does MDMA have to do with Cannabis and the Marijuana Movement? From a progressive standpoint, the idea that drugs long on the forbidden list could become more widely accepted and studied is important to me. This takes advocacy and foresight, along with strategic communications and networking with the right people…so, maybe that’s why Gwyneth donated!