The sheer variety of extracts, smokables, edibles and concentrates is baffling.

I’ve learned, (the hard way, as usual) that I prefer plain ol’ flower and maybe if I’m splurging, pre-rolls. (but nothing infused!) None of these distilled and altered states of an already powerful drug for me. They’re just too potent. For me.

My shrink and I have been working on changing my perception of (at least my) cannabis usage. I’ve toiled with and struggled to quell the scoundrel inside, the part of me that enjoys sneaking off to sneak-a-toke, literally. I feel like I am getting away with something. She compares cannabis usage to drinking a beer, or binging on caffeine. I do agree with her, I’ve treated myself with cannabis, my panacea, for my entire adult life. But I’ve remained closeted about it, I suppose I must admit, in shame.

Now that weed is legal for adult use in 21 States and medically recommended in 37 States as of this posting, and, after seeing my LinkedIn feed become more peppered with colleagues and true pros in the industry; folks literally risking so much to break out of the green-closet so to speak — (here’s an SFGate article about it!), I am finally coming around to my shrink’s point of view.

It’s taken seven years of therapy, personally. Not to mention a cultural shift, a political movement and a lot of (fun) civil disobedience. (Good Trouble!) Now I guess I’m proud to say I’m just an average citizen, holding my job, holding my own, stayin’ lit. Just a run o the mill pot smoker.

Maybe it’s those youngsters, constantly vaping those flavored cartridges…those unafraid newbees trying all the crazy infused and distilled styles, literally acting like kids in candy stores, yea, those guys are the ones deserving my scrutinous shameful and harsh judgements. Cautionary tale over here. Ask me about it anytime!